NE Senators Erdman, Halloran, Clements and Murman Call for Legislative Investigation into NE Department of Education


Nebraska State Senator Dave Murman will be joined by colleagues Sen. Halloran, Clements, and Erdman on October 17th at 10:45 AM in the Capitol Rotunda to discuss their call for a legislative investigation into the Nebraska Department of Education.

On Wednesday, October 12th, the Daily Caller reported on documents and resources distributed by the Nebraska Department of Education’s “Launch Nebraska” online hub intended for schools restarting from the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a press release from Senator Murman’s office issued Friday late morning.

When asked for comment by the Daily Caller, Senator Murman said “In our state, we’ve dealt with left-wing activist bureaucrats promoting comprehensive sex education and critical race theory in our public schools.” He continued, saying “any promotion of these reprehensible ideologies by the Nebraska Department of Education must be rooted out.”