North Platte Catholic Schools Board of Education: November Meeting


North Platte – The North Platte Catholic Schools Board of Education met Tuesday, November 21st for its monthly meeting. A special presentation was made by Superintendent Kevin Dodson to recognize outgoing Board President Cassie Condon for her 6 years of service to the Board. In a unanimous vote, the Board ratified Todd Brosius of Holy Spirit Parish and Jordan Maassen of St. Patrick’s Parish as Board members for 3-year terms. Board officers for 2023-2024 were then approved. Stephan Budke will serve as president, Todd Brosius as vice-president, and Kristin Lake as secretary.

Superintendent Dodson shared the Annual School Report for the 2023-2024 school year, which outlines enrollment, demographic, and program information. The report is available on the school’s online information system, as well as by request in the school office.

Reports from the grounds and PR committees were presented. This included an update on a new school website, which should be ready to launch in 2024. The Board also approved the Little Leprechaun Preschool tuition rate for the 2024-2025 school year as follows: $195 per month with a $50 registration fee, and a $50 snack fee. Preschool in 2024-2025 will be offered for 4/5-year-olds, 4 days a week, with morning and afternoon sessions.

The next Board meeting is scheduled for Monday, December 18th, at 5:00 p.m. in the St. Pat’s High School library.