Basic 4-H Horsemanship Workshop Held


“Going back to the basics” was the theme of the Basic 4-H Horsemanship Workshop held recently on Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) in Curtis, NE. Ten youth and 5 adults learned/reviewed many different horse topics from Frontier County 4-H horse volunteer, parent, & 4-H alumni -Kyle Sheffield.

Participants practiced in many hands-on activities- tying halters the correct way, looking for saddle & bridle issues, practicing square knots, and more during the workshop. Topics covered included: catching & haltering with safety, how to lead safely, saddling safety, & simple horsemanship tricks. Required 4-H tack & horsemanship was covered using the NE 4-H Horse Show Rule Book and Judging Guide along with real bridles, saddles, and other equipment examples.

Kyle shared secrets to learning 4-H patterns and encouraged participants to seek out as many horse shows as possible to compete in. He explained being around your horses and practicing makes a better horseman. Older 4-H horse members Hallie and Jozee Sheffield and parent Denise Sheffield helped participants with the activities as Kyle explained them.