Halloween and Husker Homecoming: Drive Sober for a Spooktacular time


Oct. 26, 2023 (Lincoln, Neb.) — With the excitement of gameday, homecoming festivities, and

Halloween weekend upon us, the Nebraska Department of Transportation (NDOT) emphasizes

the importance of safe, sober driving to have an enjoyable weekend.

As you prepare for a fun-filled homecoming weekend and cheer on the Huskers, remember the

significance of staying sober while behind the wheel. Impaired driving poses serious risks to your

safety and that of others on the road. Studies show that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs

significantly impairs your ability to stay alert, focus on the road, react promptly, and make sound

decisions. Recognizing the signs of impairment, such as slurred speech, impaired coordination, or

the smell of alcohol or drugs, can help prevent incidents and potential tragedies.

To ensure a safe and responsible celebration, make plans ahead of time for a sober ride to and from

Memorial Stadium. Utilize NDOT’s recommended routes to reach your events and stay informed of

traffic conditions with real-time alerts at 511.nebraska.gov.